Eligibility Criteria for Switching Mortgage
Each bank has its own specific criteria for accepting applications from individuals looking to switch their mortgage providers. If your financial status has significantly deteriorated since you were approved for your original mortgage, you may need help securing approval to switch to a new lender. When considering a mortgage switch, several eligibility criteria must be met. These include:
Outstanding Mortgage Balance: Irish lenders generally have a minimum threshold for accepting mortgage switch applications, typically in the range of €40,000 to €50,000. If your remaining mortgage balance falls below this range, banks might not see the benefit in accepting your switch application due to the small amount involved.
Credit Rating: Maintaining a good credit rating is essential. The lender you intend to switch to will conduct a credit check. If you have recently taken on additional loans or credit card debts and have struggled with repayments, this could hinder your ability to switch.
Home Equity: Switching might be challenging if you’re in negative equity (owing more on your mortgage than your home is currently worth) or if your equity is less than 20%. Each lender, however, will evaluate your application on an individual basis.
Remaining Term of Your Mortgage: Banks may be reluctant to accept a switch application if only a few years remain on your mortgage, as the short duration may not justify the administrative work involved.
Property Type and Location: In some cases, the specifics of your home and its location can impact your eligibility to switch. For example, if your home features unique elements such as a thatched roof, which can be expensive to insure and maintain, this might complicate the approval process for switching.
Each of these criteria must be considered to assess your eligibility and the potential benefits of switching mortgage providers. Our MortgageLine advisers are here to help you with these requirements and make an informed decision.